Guillermo García Subirana
My main role as a leader has been to organize the team, guide the milestones between releases and keep the team motivated. In addition to my role as leader, I’ve been very aware of the programming part. These are my contributions:
- Map Scene
- Placement of map elements using tileset
- System to randomize by tiers
- Decision structure
- Movement between combats
- Combat Scene
- Placement of entities using tileset
- Spawn entities with statistics
- Turn structure
- IA
- Taskmanager: movement and action of entities
- Implement usable and equippable items structure
- Implement buffs and debuffs structure
- Implement the structure for the heroes skills
- Calculate all the rolls that are made in a combat (throws to hit, calculation of damage reduction, judgment …)
- Boss structure (Boss skills)
- Item drop system
- Implement the heroes with idle in select mode ( with extra saturated margin )
- UI
- Implemented the interface element that appears when performing actions in combat (damage, stun, heal …)
- Decision element (for the world map scene)
- Persistence of data
- Save and load of all the necesary between combats
- Implement the continue option in the main menu
Solve code bugs and memory leaks
- Others
- Combat testing and redesign of some abilities
- Redo and clean the first project
- Wiki: Game Design Document contribution
- Wiki: Art Bible contribution
- Trailer